Hi, I am Surbhi, a novice Software Engineer. I like contributing to open-source projects and learning about different tools and technologies.


  • Software Engineer Intern - Quansight

    • Modified existing implementation and the core business logic of condacolab to correct errors, adapt it to new environments and upgrade interfaces and improved performance.
    • Developed scripts to speed up the process of completing various tasks and added features to improve usage of condacolab. Read full project work here.
  • Outreachy'22 intern with conda-forge

    Worked on documenting the conda-forge ecosystem and closed some important tickets improving documentation for maintainers and users contributing or using packages to/from conda-forge. Read full project wrap up blog.

  • MLH Fellow at GitLab

    Worked on improving GitLab Wikis editing experience

  • Project Associate - Pravartak Technologies Labs, IIT Madras

    Built a web application that, after user authentication and admin approval, serves interactive jupyter notebook application using voila to the users.